The 13 Colony Council Movement
Dear 13 Colony Council Members,
God is speaking to many of you powerfully in this season! Thank you for your emails and texts sharing what God is saying about your area and your ministries! You are an amazing, revelatory group! We are excited to be a part of this ever-growing council of history makers. We want to welcome many new council members from DE, VT, NH, NJ, SC, PA, VA, FL, GA and WVA!
As this movement is unfolding daily, we see the council as a peer group of Kingdom minded Christian leaders from all spheres of society. A body of many parts with unique identities tied to individual and corporate destinies. We love Jesus and are filled with His Spirit. We unite in the form of a relationally based team, led by Holy Spirit, to seek God’s plan for facilitating harvest, worship and awakening in each of the original 13 Colonies. We honor one another’s ministries and call, whether it be to the church, business sector, educational system, medical field, entertainment, family, or government. Each council member is valued and has a part in the territorial ministry focus. It is our vision to see a vibrant, unified council in each of the 13 Original Colonies. The Council is like a healthy root system causing the forest to thrive through prospering, reproducing and remaining strong and intact, even thru adverse events.
The Council model is a different way to move forward than many of us have moved in the past. Coming up through 45 years of ministry ourselves, we functioned in the “State Leader” model until 20 years ago when we formed an apostolic/prophetic/intercessory council in the state of NJ. This type of leadership requires each participant to see our fellow council members as a unique gift to the Body of Christ. We must be submitted to the Lord’s plan, not our own agenda. Humility is key, along with a heart to work together for the glory of God to fall upon us and flow through us to ignite revival fire!
Chuck Pierce, who is our ordaining apostle, prophesied this movement into being on Saturday, Sept 17, 2016:
“Gates are being opened in the Northeast and 13 Original Colonies. We all need to get together and form that council for the 13 Original Colonies and say we’re fixing to take back stuff that’s been taken from us. I’ll be with you in this. Part of my inheritance is up here in New Hampshire. Therefore, I am with you in this. Everything God is doing here; it is for the Original 13 Colonies, and it so key for this nation. You don’t want to repeat the same old things. They just keep getting repeated in a different way. It’s the same issue over the flag.
Starting in October (2016) the sword will start contending in the northeast, the original 13 colonies. The sword is going to contend. That means you are going to lead the nation in overcoming and triumph. That’s why you have to really look at this election coming up. How will you respond? Out of tradition?
We are now in a wonderful place, and I want to leave this with you. I think you are leading triumph for the days ahead. The 13 Original Colonies now become the forefront of movement for an entire nation again. The Lord says, “I know who has died in the past, who has given their life for you to keep advancing, so don’t think I haven’t recorded the deaths in the past and the witness of those will continue on. Move forward through the portal I am giving you and you will even overcome death that has occurred in the past season. John and Sheryl, pull this together.”
The Spirit of God is moving! Please consider joining us for our 13 Colony Prayer Zoom when you can. We send out an email invitation to the councils, twice a month. If you can join for at least one a month it would be great! (We realize everyone is very busy!) Email us if you which to be put on the list: 13colonycouncil@gmail.com. We’d love to get to know you personally and build a relationship with each team throughout in the territory. Every member is important in God’s plan for awakening! Bless you all!
John and Sheryl Price, Mobilizing Apostles
The 13 Colony Council Movement

Impact! Meeting with Apostles Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets and Willie Jock
Friday, March 29 & Saturday, March 30 • The Seaview Dolce Hotel • Galloway, NJ 08201

Stay informed about upcoming events by subscribing to our email list.
Contact us for more information.
Three trips covered the 13 states. They were designed to build relationships with like-minded saints in each of the original 13 colonies.
Part One – Southern States
Joining John and Sheryl Price for segments of the trip were Trisha Roselle, (NJ) Richard Martin, (NJ) Christine McKeon, (NJ), Worship Leader Erin Dougherty, (NJ), Susie Ziegler, (NC) Ann Romanello, (NC), Deborah Landwerlen, (GA & NJ). Others will join along the way.
July 11 – GA – Leadership lunch meeting with hosts in Thomasville, GA. Apostles Heath & Jacqueline Varnedoe. House of Zion Meeting 6:30pm, Thomasville, GA.
July 12 – GA – Meeting 7pm at the Rome Civic Ballet 2 E 3rd Ave #302, Rome GA. Rivers Rising Int’l Min. Apostle Deborah Landwerlen
July 13 – SC – Blacksburg, SC. 1pm-5pm Susie Ziegler & Ann Romanello, Embassy of Zion hosting
July 14 – NC – Charlotte
July 15 – NC – Manteo, NC. Hosts Susie Ziegler, Ann Romanello & Kathy Balance, Embassy of Zion
July 16 – NC- Sunday morning worship 9-12 in Manteo, NC.
July 17 – VA- Meeting in Jamestown 7pm @ Jamestown Christian Fell. Church, 5306 Olde Towne Rd, Williamsburg, VA. Pastors Wade & Lisa Trump and Assist. Brian Flemming hosting.
July 18 – VA- 6pm Meeting in Chesapeake, VA w/ Bridge Builders, Ministry of Zion Pastors Robin & Audrey Black

On July 11 a team from NJ, GA, SC & NC began a historic journey throughout the four southern states of the original 13 colonies. The initial grassroots gatherings in Thomasville and Rome Georgia were amazing. Saints from various spheres of influence joined in worship and prayer. Heaven was opened and we corporately ascended into God’s presence. The Lord released a vision of the new covenant root system that He desires to build throughout the eastern seaboard. It is deep, interwoven and strong. It will change a nation!

We moved on to the Carolinas where a new prophetic mantle was released into the atmosphere and strategic intercession moved with a fresh, powerful anointing. In Charlotte, NC, street ministry sovereignly broke out when the lost approached us for prayer. Demons were cast out and people were delivered from bondages right in the public park. Souls were rededicated to the Lord. Local ministries joined in and the newly saved were directed to them for further discipleship.

In Manteo, NC, the local Saints cried out for an outpouring from Heaven! It came!!!! Within hours the area flooded as a sign of the spiritual outpouring to come! God is amazing!

21 were baptized into the new outpouring!
Part Two – Mid-Atlantic States
Joining John and Sheryl Price for segments of the trip were Peter & Trisha Roselle, (NJ) Dan & Christine McKeon, (NJ), Dr. Bob & Carol Neugebauer, (NJ), Susie Zeigler, (NC) Ann Romanello, (NC), Cheryl McCall, (PA), Linda Clark (MA), Barbara Holmes, (RI). Many others will join along the way. Our multi- state meeting schedule is as follows:
Aug. 2- Pittsburg, PA area with Feed My Sheep O. M. – 7 pm
Aug. 3- Lancaster, PA area joining another meeting with Chuck Pierce at the Kings & Priests conference.
Aug. 4- Baltimore, MD area with Rev. 22 Ministries 7pm, (meeting now full)
Aug. 5- Old Saybrook, CT with Kingdom Watchmen 2pm
Aug. 6- Barrington, RI with Christian Life Worship Center 7pm
Aug. 7- Warwick, RI with RI Intercessors- 10am – (meeting now full)
The gathering in Western PA was life changing! The Spirit of the Lord permeated the building where the regional Body of Christ gathered. Righteous roots in the territory were rediscovered and brought to the surface to be released NOW. Mantles for battle shifting intercession from Reese Howell, who lived in the New Castle, PA area for a season, were released into the original 13 Colonies! Billy Sunday’s anointing for colorful, power evangelism was released and sent throughout the entire NE! Where ever you are, grab on to these power-filled, anointed covenant roots for your territory! The Saints of Western PA have embraced them and sent them out to SHIFT OUR NATION!

Intercession for 13 Colony Tour coming up in New York and New England
Those attending His Hands Fellowship’s prayer meeting were surprised with a unique treat. Toward the end of worship and prayer, a chair from a church involved in the Welch Revival was brought into the room. We are praying for revival here in the United States, and considered the timing of this being with us as prophetic. We shared communion and prayed for revival.

Contact us for up-to-date information.
Part Three – New York and New England
October 9 Lowville, NY 2PM – Father Nash Prayer Journey (Near Watertown) – The Dwelling Place 5499 Jackson St. Lowville, NY – Gene & Cynthia Bailey 315-286-3217
October 10 Rochester, NY 7pm – Victory Community Church 1619 Manitou Road Rochester, NY 14626 – Al & Kacey Hauck 585-352-6966
October 11 Syracuse, NY 7PM – Healing Rooms of Syracuse, NY 526 Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool, NY – Vince & Deborah Aquilino 315-469-8929
October 12 (Albany Area) 7PM – Rock Rd Chapel 96 Rock Road, Berne, NY 12023 – Sharon Carlson 518-872-2515 Rockroadchap-el.org
October 13 Sturbridge, MA 2-5PM – Aglow International Sturbridge Host Hotel, 366 Main St., Sturbridge, MA 01566 – Host Victoria Blodgett 413-548-4345
October 14 Plymouth, MA 2:30PM – Freedom Journey Outpost 225 Water St., Plymouth, MA Rm. A155 – Host Linda Clark 1-774-269-3106
October 15 New Hampshire 7pm – First Love Works (VT invited) 75 Winter St, Keene, NH – Hosts Tom & Ann Savastano 978-270-9019
October 16 New Hampshire Intercessory Training – First Love Works (VT invited) 75 Winter St, Keene, NH – Hosts Tom & Ann Savastano 978-270-9019