The 7 days of worship has been compared to Hezekiah in 2 Kings 13:18. He struck the arrows only 3 times in response to Elisa’s direction. Striking arrows 5 or 6 times would defeat the enemy completely. The meeting fulfill more than Elisha’s minimum and constitute proper obedience.

Sheryl – The Empire State Building has the Queen of Heaven (Kali) lit up on it this week. We’re shaking the heavenlies over New Jersey – principalities and powers even over New York are looking over and asking what’s going on here. They’re trying to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. It’s not working. It only takes a remnant to enthrone the Lord Jesus Christ over a territory. So I encourage you to keep pressing in with worship.

Those things that have bound our territory are being cut off as we worship the living God. Keep on worshipping.

Someone saw us with flames and shining armor, and idols bowing down.

Trisha heard the sound of drumbeats. This initiated a time of powerful prayer with shofar blowing, drumming, pounding and clapping and in unison – which was clearly warfare aimed to the heavenlies. Afterwards was complete silence and a word from Sheryl about hearing the still small voice of the Lord.

For these are the days, says the Lord, that you will need to hear every drop of dew from my throne. You will need to hear every whisper I speak to you in the great noise that speaks from the earth. For I say to you that communications are being disrupted and corrupted, but My communication is pure, holy and a still small voice.

Chris confirmed that word, and heard a ‘snap crackle and pop’. I heard the Lord say, you have disrupted the second heaven and their communication. As you continue to praise me the arrows of your communication will continue to interrupt, snap, crackle and pop the communication of the second heaven.

Another person said she saw arrowheads fall to the ground. The Lord says, with our worship, we have intercepted the arrowheads of our enemy, even the fiery darts he aims toward the people of God in NJ. New Jersey has escaped as a bird escapes from the snare of the fowler.

There was a word that the Lord would show us how to operate with authority over the seven mountains.

John asked everyone to declare that you want all of my portion, and some would get a double portion.

God bless you and go and sin no more.