Richard M.—Tongues song
Worship Team—I hear the Spirit of the Breaker—breaking down, breaking forth, breaking through! He’s breaking down walls—walls of religion and walls of tradition; things that keep us bound! Things that divide generations, denominations—He’s breaking down; He’s breaking down! I’m busting through every barrier, everything that kept My movement from going forward. I’m breaking through! He says, “I’m breaking in to you, breaking in to you!” I’m breaking out, breaking down, breaking forth! The Spirit of the Breaker!
I’m breaking you out into a wide open place where there’s no limits, no ceilings, no barriers! You’re gonna perceive Me in a way you’ve never seen Me! It’s My breaking anointing; it’s My words that break through like a hammer! Get ready for Me—I’m coming like a mighty rushing wind! Nothing’s impossible for Me! Get ready to see Me!
It’s the power of My blood that’s breaking down walls—that’s healing you! It’s the power of My Blood!
I’m purging you—allow My Spirit to move on you!

Sheryl P.—And this is a season where in the midst of your success, I AM going to cause you to rule over that which would compete with the success I am favoring you with. For I say that in the place of success, the enemy comes in to try to take you off of My pathway during that time. And there are many ways that he will use to divert you off of My holy way. But I say to you, as you keep your eyes on me, your heart pliant and your love high, I will cause you to disannul the competition that has risen in your midst. Know that I have favored you in this season; I have caused you to walk in My favor to accomplish My will in your life.

Carol N.—And I AM the God of justice and mercy; and I AM coming down to bring justice and I AM coming down to bring mercy. But I’m also coming down, landing and walking the floor. I’m going back and forth; I’m checking out the accommodations. I’m making sure the hall is ready. I’m making sure My Bride is ready—that everything is white and pure. Because I AM preparing a marriage feast, and I AM coming to check out and see that everything is ready, says the Lord.

Sheryl P.—And there would be those that would seek to intellectualize My move. But I say to you, this is a move of My Spirit, and I alone can cause that move to come into the earth. I alone will give the understanding of it. So don’t move intellectually in this season. Move by My Spirit; remain flexible; remain childlike of heart and full of joy. And see My movement catch like a wildfire across this nation.